Spell to Cleanse the Home
Submitted by Diamondskies
This is a spell to cleanse the home around the eclipse period...perfect timing.
If you would like to cleanse your home or
office of any negative or stale energy, then anytime over this next few days
is a great opportunity for these type of cleansing rituals..
Take a white cloth that has been soaked in a bucket of warm spring water
which has had a few drops of eucalyptus oil added to it. Then wipe down the
doors, and window sills of any rooms where you feel some negative energy and
then walk anti- clockwise (to the left) around the room three times while
holding a sprig of rosemary. Next, walk clockwise (to the right) three
times while you say this incantation 'Now all spirits hear my plea, in
tranquil places you will be, balance, peace and harmony.' Seal the spell's
power by placing the sprig of rosemary near your front door and leaving it
there for at least seven days.