Gather the Following Materials
1 red or Pink Candle*
Jasmine or Rose Incense
Personal Object of the Intended
Pink Fabric (best if person wears or sleeps on it)
3 rose petals
Lavender Oil
3 tbs dried orange peel
Pear or orange Blossoms
Red string (about 2ft long)
* Pink is more for a emotional love, red is more of a full love.
On a Friday of the waxing moon, and by the light of a pink candle, light an incense such as rose or jasmine. Take the pink fabric and Sprinkle the Orange or pear blossoms in the middle of it. Take a (or a personal object such as nail clippings or hair) of the intended person you wish to love you. Place the photograph or object in the middle of the blossoms. Now...focus and imagining that person saying the love you, and holding them in your arms (or vice versa) Sprinkle the rose petals and orange peel on top of the or object and "feel" them loving you. Now, sprinkle some of the Lavender oil on top of it and Say:
Beat for me now O mortal heart.
Ache for me now when we're apart.
Dream of me in the moonlit Night.
Come to me when the sun shines bright!
Now fold the fabric over the herbs oil and object, so you can tie it up. (MAKING SURE EACH FOLD GOES TOWARDS YOU!) Tie it up with the red string. Now go to the persons house and (without them knowing of any of this) bury it in the ground that is closest to the window of the room where they sleep at night. It is done.